DISCOVERY SET ~ For Living Good ~



人気アイテムを少しずつお試しできるDAYLILYのディスカバリーセット。大人気の台湾茶プロテイン(鉄観音茶)、食べるお茶「EAT BEAU-TEA」から My favorite things と Lovely day、台湾伝統の黒糖生姜シロップティー「Uplift Ginger Syrup」全4種類を1包ずつ包みました。



② EAT BEAU-TEA ~ My Favorite Things ~ 1包
③ EAT BEAU-TEA ~ Lovely Day ~ 1包
④ Uplift Ginger Syrup 暖活薑棗飲 1包


TAIWAN TEA PROTEIN 鉄観音茶」は、丁寧に発酵・焙煎を重ねた高級台湾茶「鉄観音茶」と、安全で高品質なホエイプロテイン、そして5種の和漢素材をかけあわせた日本初の全く甘くない台湾茶プロテインです。

今までプロテインを飲んだことがない方や、プロテイン特有の甘味やケミカル臭が苦手がだと感じていた方の常識を覆す美味しさです。豆乳やアーモンドミルクで割ると台湾茶ラテをお楽しみいただけます。 >>アレンジ方法

◼️ プロテインをはじめてみたい方
◼️ ダイエットや美容を無理なくがんばりたい
◼️ お砂糖・甘味料・ 着色料・保存料不使用なものがいい


EAT BEAU-TEA ~My favorite things~は、漢方薬剤師さんがゴロゴロ素材<ナツメ><黒豆><龍眼>をブレンドした中身もそのまま食べられる和漢のお茶。


◼️ ノンカフェインなので、寝る前の新習慣に
◼️ 小腹が空いた時や、オフィスでの休憩時間に
◼️ ダイエット中や、お腹が空かない時の朝食代わりに 


EAT BEAU-TEA ~ Lovely Day ~」の<洛神花><山査子><氷砂糖>は巡りをよくし、潤いを与えてくれます 。日々頑張る女性たちがこれを美味しく飲んで気分リフレッシュし、潤ツヤで過ごせるよう和漢素材を漢方薬剤師さんがセレクトしました。


◼️ 巡りをよくしたい方へ
◼️ サウナやホットヨガ、運動をされる方へ
◼️ 食べ過ぎや、日焼けが気になる方へ


Uplift Ginger Syrup 暖活薑棗飲」は、台湾の女性たちの毎月の必需品は、黒糖生姜の和漢シロップ。甘くてスパイシーな黒糖と乾燥させた生姜をベースに黒棗><龍眼><桂枝><杜仲葉>など8種類の和漢植物から生まれたこのシロップは、一口で芯からポカポカ、つらいこともさらさらと流してくれます。


◼️ 芯からぽかぽか過ごしたい方へ
◼️ 毎月のリズムを心地よく過ごしたい方へ
◼️ 甘いものがほしくなってしまいがちな方へ

※ こちらのセットのお試しは妊婦さんはお控えください。産後ぜひお楽しみください。


If your shipping destination is outside of the US or Europe/UK, please shop with our Taiwan Official Online Store ( or DAYLILY Taiwan Pinkoi Store (


· For International shipments, the cost will vary based on shipping destination and shipping costs by total weight per order.

· Duties and taxes are not included with your order. You may be charged upon the package entry to your country.

· We use EMS service with the reduced international shipping rates.

· We are unable to ship to PO Boxes.

· From time to time, there may be out-of-stock items that will not be shipped. In the case, we will contact you before processing the order.

· Orders are processed Monday-Friday, most orders will normally be dispatched with 2 to 5 business days from the date ordered.

· Please note EMS International Courier DOES NOT run over the weekend and public holidays. Wherever possible, orders received after 3:00 p.m. Japan Standard Time will be considered placed and be processed the next business day.

· The estimated delivery does not include delays caused by weather, shipping couriers, public holidays, customs holds & any other delay outside of our control.

Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, international mails have been temporarily suspended to various countries. Click the link for the latest update.



· Payment by following methods is available:

1) Credit Card

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Diner's Club

2) Paypal

When selecting this option at checkout, you will be redirected to the PayPal site to 'Log In' and review the amount shown before clicking 'Pay Now'.Once this transaction is complete, you will then return to DAYLILY.

· You will shop in your localized currency. All prices on DAYLILY are in Japanese Yen. 

· Exchange rate will be calculated at time of purchase by your credit card processor. We are unable to offer adjustments for exchange rate changes.

· We DO NOT accept payment by cash or international bank transactions.


Return & Exchange

· All items from our online store are sold on a NON-RETURNABLE basis.

· In general, DAYLILY does not accept return or exchange unless the items you ordered has a quality issue.


· We take care to pack your items carefully so that they won't get damaged in transit.

· For whatever reason, if items arrive damaged, faulty or incorrect from your order, please contact our customer service ( for details and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

REFUND (if applicable)

· A refund may not be issued if products are returned due to the shipment rejected by customer without contacting us first.

· All refunds will be returned to the payment method of your original payment within 7-10 days, if you have not received a refund after 10 days, we ask that you first check with your bank or Credit Card Company as it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.

· Any discount or coupon will not be refunded. You will only be refunded by the actual amount you paid.

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