【期間限定】 Berry Berry Annin Beau-Tea 苺苺杏仁茶


つぶつぶ食感のベリー2種類 × 濃厚杏仁のご褒美スイーツ杏仁茶

累計生徒数40万人以上の大人気 ヨガクリエイター ayaさんとDAYLILYとの期間限定コラボ商品。濃厚な杏仁に、つぶつぶ食感のラズベリーとストロベリーを贅沢にトッピングしたご褒美スイーツティー。


台湾では美容と健康の定番のドリンクとして広く愛されている「杏仁茶」。 様々な杏仁茶がある中でも、DAYLILYの杏仁茶はお砂糖を使用せずに、濃厚な杏仁そのものの味と甘みを感じることができます。




⒈ 豆乳+ハチミツ

⒉ ヨーグルトにプラス

⒊ 粒々ベリー杏仁豆腐

◼️ ベリー系や甘酸っぱいものが好き
◼️ 潤いが足りないと感じる
◼️ お砂糖は控えたい
◼️ 間食がやめられない
◼️ ノンカフェインティーを探している






【お召し上がり方】 大さじ一杯の杏仁粉に、120cc程度のお湯または温かい牛乳や豆乳などを注ぎ、よくかき回してお飲みください。 お好みでハチミツなどを加えたり、コーヒーやヨーグルトなどに混ぜても美味しくお召し上がりいただけます。



If your shipping destination is outside of the US or Europe/UK, please shop with our Taiwan Official Online Store (https://tw.daylily.com.tw/en) or DAYLILY Taiwan Pinkoi Store (https://en.pinkoi.com/store/daylilytaiwan).


· For International shipments, the cost will vary based on shipping destination and shipping costs by total weight per order.

· Duties and taxes are not included with your order. You may be charged upon the package entry to your country.

· We use EMS service with the reduced international shipping rates.

· We are unable to ship to PO Boxes.

· From time to time, there may be out-of-stock items that will not be shipped. In the case, we will contact you before processing the order.

· Orders are processed Monday-Friday, most orders will normally be dispatched with 2 to 5 business days from the date ordered.

· Please note EMS International Courier DOES NOT run over the weekend and public holidays. Wherever possible, orders received after 3:00 p.m. Japan Standard Time will be considered placed and be processed the next business day.

· The estimated delivery does not include delays caused by weather, shipping couriers, public holidays, customs holds & any other delay outside of our control.

Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, international mails have been temporarily suspended to various countries. Click the link for the latest update. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html



· Payment by following methods is available:

1) Credit Card

VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Diner's Club

2) Paypal

When selecting this option at checkout, you will be redirected to the PayPal site to 'Log In' and review the amount shown before clicking 'Pay Now'.Once this transaction is complete, you will then return to DAYLILY.

· You will shop in your localized currency. All prices on DAYLILY are in Japanese Yen. 

· Exchange rate will be calculated at time of purchase by your credit card processor. We are unable to offer adjustments for exchange rate changes.

· We DO NOT accept payment by cash or international bank transactions.


Return & Exchange

· All items from our online store are sold on a NON-RETURNABLE basis.

· In general, DAYLILY does not accept return or exchange unless the items you ordered has a quality issue.


· We take care to pack your items carefully so that they won't get damaged in transit.

· For whatever reason, if items arrive damaged, faulty or incorrect from your order, please contact our customer service (info@daylily.com.tw) for details and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

REFUND (if applicable)

· A refund may not be issued if products are returned due to the shipment rejected by customer without contacting us first.

· All refunds will be returned to the payment method of your original payment within 7-10 days, if you have not received a refund after 10 days, we ask that you first check with your bank or Credit Card Company as it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.

· Any discount or coupon will not be refunded. You will only be refunded by the actual amount you paid.

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4 reviews
  • ほっと一息ついたり、小腹が空いた時にぴったり
    TOP Review
    January 14, 2024 at 7:20 am


    0 customers said they found it helpful
  • 甘くない。でも美味しい。
    TOP Review
    February 20, 2022 at 9:21 pm


    0 customers said they found it helpful
  • 杏仁豆腐を食べているみたい
    TOP Review
    May 10, 2021 at 8:54 am


    0 customers said they found it helpful
  • 家族みんなで大好き杏仁茶
    TOP Review
    September 2, 2020 at 5:47 pm


    0 customers said they found it helpful

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